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1 Win and 198 Losses

And how to succeed

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Do Remember

There’s a thin line between perseverance and insanity.

I’ll show you how it applies to your design career and job searching.

A - Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over and expecting different results.

B - Perseverance is focusing on a goal and adjusting the course to reach it without stopping.

Tweak and Adjust

Sending your portfolio to 200 companies and not getting a response is insanity.

Send it to 50 first and if there’s no response start researching why. Then adjust.

Here’s an example: if you have a dedicated portfolio website you can install a tool like HotJar (there are many similar ones) and even on a free plan see HOW people view your work.

Do they quit the site in the first 2 seconds? Work on your presentation and beautiful, engaging visuals to click on for case studies.

Do they read half of a case study and quit? Add storytelling and make it more engaging.

Getting a job usually takes a while, but if you do it mindlessly and without applying design + research TO THE PROCESS ITSELF, then it can take forever.

How are you approaching your portfolio?

Community Says

iam.mohit: As AI is getting integrated more with design platforms and there are countless templates for everything. (at least for UI)

1) What path do you recommend someone should take in order to stay in the game in the future as well?

2) Should the initial approach for beginners be the same as the standard approach?

3) What should a Product/UX designer learn in order to stay prepared for the future ?

Michal Malewicz: 1. design mindset that’s apart from just drawing rectangles.

2. fundamentals of design and skipping fancy animation tutorials

3. surrounding skills like a little coding and management.

spicysugar21: I really appreciate your efforts in providing us with brutally honest insights every day. But I have a question. If you were to start your career in UI/UX in 2024, how would you start?

Michal Malewicz: Google UX course parts 1-4 only, skip the certificate, UI on your own daily practice 2-3 months, planned portfolio. I have a full guide video with all the steps pinned on my YouTube channel

• regntjejen: Currently using uxfolio as a beginner. So far I'm happy but in the following months, I want to build a more custom and dedicated website. I'd like to hear your opinion about Uxfolio tbh

Michal Malewicz: It's a good starting point but the benefits of having even the simplest dedicated website are huge - including various ways to track what users do on it so the faster you go on your own, the more data you can collect and adjust how you talk about yourself and present your work. That's pure profit :)

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