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To Plan or not to Plan

Learn how to craft beautiful yet functional plan sections for the web.

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What keeps your business alive? Is it a beautiful header or Social Proof so people see you’re not faking it? Animations? Polished UI?


It’s pricing!

No matter how beautiful the design is, if the pricing section sucks, you make no money

To Plan or not to Plan?

But… but… Adam! I’ve never done pricing sections before!

Say no more—the team and I have you covered. Introducing the next part of our PRO Web Challenge series: The Pricing Challenge.


Want to give it a try?

Each day we provide you with a different plans/pricing design. The idea is the same as with our previous web challenges. Create a functional and good-looking plans section that converts.

It's even better if the design you create is consistent with the previous section for the brand you’ve already created!

If you follow our advice, at the end of this challenge, you’ll explore yet again 30 different styles of pricing designs for different sectors of the industry.

Of course, you can stick to just a few layouts and call it a day, but what’s the fun in that? We’re here to learn right?

Be unique

Not every brand we’ve created at the start of now a 3-part series will fit. So you have to be creative. For example, it makes no sense to do a pricing section for headphones right?

So be unique! Make it yours!


Guides & feedback

As with any other challenge, we encourage you to try it yourself before you follow the guide. Experiment and challenge yourself. That’s the best way for you to learn and sharpen your skills.

However, if you don’t feel confident in web design just yet… and you want to practice, there is no shame in following what we did and then for another version applying the principles and creating your own stuff.


As always we will give feedback on the challenge daily, to push you the right way or to admire what you’ve crafted.

If you’re a PRO user, you can find the new challenge in your challenges tab.

If you’re not a pro user… well check out our BRAND NEW plans page. It features the best work from our community, we’re not faking anything. Yes… those designs are REAL.

Well, what are you waiting for? See you there!

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