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Helping to make Unicorn designers 🦄

How I helped designers learn 3D resulting in 932 contest submissions

Welcome Stranger, I hope you have an amazing day! Grab something to drink or eat and let us dive into today’s episode.

How it all started

One day Michal Malewicz said

It might be worth doing a 3D challenge, in Spline so no Blender

When I first saw that message, I thought. F!*k. This was the beginning of our collab with Spline. Which in the end turned out super well. But it was a bumpy ride.

So naturally I, who’s been in the 3D world for some time, was the first choice. But this time it was different. This time, it was not about making 3D and pretty stuff.

It was about recording HOW TO do 3D, learning the basics, explaining why and what to do, and making pretty stuff. It also had to be suitable for any level out there. This means someone who hasn’t even touched the 3D world could do it.


All that above with the nice addition of people scrolling away after 5 seconds of a video. Why not make it more difficult right?

So naturally I had to say yes, since I love being outside my comfort zone and pushing the limits. Here we go again… each challenge is more challenging than the last one I’ve worked on.

Prepare, record, edit, delete & again

What goes behind the scenes? The title sums this up pretty nicely I’d say. It was like that for a good 1/3 to 1/2 of the challenge. I’d find a concept and then make something unique from the concept, since copying is bad guys, don’t do it

Then I made an illustration in Spline, but for each episode I wanted the user to learn something new. And every 5 episodes I wanted them to combine all the techniques they learnt into one illustration.


Which I thought would be nice and make fewer people quit. Since if you learn something every episode it can be overwhelming.

But seeing what you learned all combined after every 5 days can be very rewarding and fulfilling. Thankfully it worked.

Over 156 people so far joined our challenge and that number is growing each day. We now have over 1k submissions to that challenge, which is already impressive.

Anyway moving on, after I created the illustration it was time to record. Usually, the recordings took around 1–2hr per episode and then another 1–2hr of rendering and then another 1–2hr of editing.

This does not include some of those times I recorded a challenge and scrapped it like 8 times đź« .

All that for a simple 10–15-minute video. Still worth it.


The results


In the end, this was all well worth it, these simple messages make my day every time someone finishes or accomplishes something. Some people pushed the limits a lot and some showed huge progress in V2 illustrations.


The progress of some people was amazing, for example, Kiran made visible progress in the second version. Not just this one of course.


There are a lot more people who pushed it further, but I talk about them in the other article here.


Was it all worth it?

That’s a silly question, isn’t it? Seeing you guys grow and progress makes me and I believe everyone from our team happy.

In the end, I learned how to edit simple videos, speak in front of a mic, and articulate my decisions.

Which not many people realize but it’s tough, speaking out loud and not saying “uhm” every 3 seconds. I definitely grew respect for anyone who makes video content. This sh!t is tough.

Again big thanks to everyone who participated, it was awesome!

That’s it for today, as always I thank you for your time reading this story and wish you a beautiful day!

PS: Every like and share helps a lot .

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