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All of these unique methods were created by our team and are now being used all around the world from junior designers all the way to huge corporate brands.
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I made hundreds of websites with this single blueprint!
Be consistent, craft your copy, make your website stand out
Fix the most common mistakes in your submitted challenges
An update on what I have learned (so far)
People can’t hold their attention for 5 seconds these days
There is no excuse for them and yes it’s a theft.
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Beta access to a feedback bot that will give you one set of tips for one of your uploaded designs per week. The AI will be getting better and more robust with time, including more feedback slots when it gets out of Beta.
Bot analyses your design to provide detailed feedback on:
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with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Michał Malewicz
with Adam Moučka