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Become a mentor

Give back to the community and help others feel more confident in design!

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Mentoring? Awesome!

A week ago we launched our new page to become a mentor. Since then we’ve gotten many application requests to help other designers on our platform.

We are so happy that a lot of you guys want to mentor and help other designers. This is the moment when we slowly heal the design community and strive to learn more than just design.

A lot of questions and no answers…

With this new opportunity, a lot of questions come to mind. Am I good enough to be a mentor? What if people won’t listen? Do I have to do it daily? Why do it at all?


So today I’m here to answer some of those questions for those who are considering becoming a mentor.

Am I good enough to become a mentor?

This is perhaps the most asked question I’ve seen lately on our socials. The lack of confidence, uncertainty & doubts.

If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ve most likely completed all or some of our daily challenges and if you are a PRO you’ve received a lot of feedback from me or our team.


Even better if you’ve created a second version based on our feedback. If that’s the case, then you should be more than ready to start your mentoring journey.

Good Design is subjective. A mentor shouldn’t say “This doesn’t look good at all” In the end it’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about gentle nudges.

So for example, instead of saying “This sucks” you say

“The button label needs to be 1pt lower than it is, to be visually centered”

Even those small things will help a lot of people, encouraging them and gently pushing them to be better.

With that, you’ll be better too! You’ll be able to spot the mistakes faster and work on your communication skills.

Hand-made presets


With the platform evolving and more daily challenges being added, we’ve made a few presets so we can give feedback faster and show you how to do it.

This is especially helpful with harder stuff like graphs, corner radius, visual alignment, and such.

On top of it, you can use it to point out just one visual thing from it, if the design you’re commenting on is good enough.

This means you don’t have to figure everything out by yourself, we’re here to help as well.

What’s in it for me?

Over the time I’ve been working with Michal and the team, I’ve realized one thing. The best thing about this job is the community. When someone says “Thank you!” or tags you on social media and explains how you’ve helped that person.


If that’s not enough, you get to work on expanding your skills by doing what you love, design!

On top of it, recruiters usually like a person who has “mentoring for 1+ years” It shows you can communicate clearly your ideas and you’re a team player.

And… if you’ll do this long enough Michal himself will give you a recommendation on LinkedIn so it’s easier for you to find a job.


So what are you waiting for? You can apply to be a mentor here. Join the Slack community, connect with people and make the design world a better place!

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